This Tuesday, September 13, Mário Cesar Coelho presented his work “Drawing Scaffolding and Urban War Scenes around the Victor Meirelles Museum” at the 31st International Panorama Council Conference, held in Luxembourg. The online MC presentation was part of the Session II, entitled “Immersive Media and the Urban Experience”, being an artistic work about the Street, the Museum and the painter Victor Meirelles. The complete schedule of the Conference can be seen at this link.

MC’s work presents a series of drawings in a sequential way as in a comic book, starting from Praça XV to the Victor Meirelles Museum and its surroundings. The space is the same but the temporality is different. The drawings were made at different times and include the renovation of the Victor Meirelles Museum. With the pandemic, the artist began to work on these drawings that had been made on the street and to include characters from the work of Victor Meirelles.

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